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All content provided on is for informational purposes only. The author, Sheikh Murshedul Arefin, retains full copyright ownership of the articles available for free download on the website. These articles are based on extensive research and studies conducted by Sheikh Murshedul Arefin in the fields of problem-solving in various areas in our life , some of are also focused on mental illness, human behaviour, remove poverty , conflict management, income and financial sustainability etc..


The articles on are intended to provide insights and perspectives derived from Sheikh Murshedul Arefin’s research and experiences. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, readers are advised to use their discretion and engage in further study as needed. The principles outlined in these articles are influenced by the fundamental teachings of the Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but individual experiences may vary. Therefore, readers are encouraged to apply these theories and methodologies at their own risk and to seek additional guidance and knowledge as necessary.